About Zino's top 10

It all started with the Padres and their losing ways... They inspired me to write a list of reasons why they stunk. I was laughing out loud writing it, yes I know I laugh at my own jokes, and thought it might be fun to share the list with others.
I love the Scott & BR show on XX1090 am, my kids and I listen to it every morning on the way to school, and so I thought the two of them reading it on their show would really be fun. I sent the list to Scott and Marty (morning show producer), and was surprised to quickly get a positive response from Scott. There was one catch though, he wanted me to do it on the air...
I can have a fairly thick accent, particularly early in the morning, but Scott really wanted me to do it, and so I did. It was apparently well received, although I think they liked the name zino more then the top 10 list, and so they wanted me to do it again and so I did...
I sent the 2nd radio bit to a few friends and they all wanted me to keep sending it to them. I created this blog to share the lists with them and all the Scott & BR fans.
Please jump in and comment, on the lists or anything you care about, I enjoy the feedback...


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In the coming weeks....

Please feel free to make topic suggestions, either in the comment section or by email. My email can be found in the profile.

Coming soon: Top 10 reasons...

- The Padres are not bringing up Chase Headley (6/4/08)
- To re-elect Michael Aguirre
- Why Scott & BR is best radio show in town
- Why we need a strong mayor
- Why McCain isn't to old to be president
- To sleep with zino ( Already compiled, but the list is to large, I am having trouble cutting down to 10)
- To play golf at Torrey Pines
- The Padres stink, part deux
- Kobe Bryant is a team player
- Why gas prices are so high
- To take your date to Bertrand at Mr A's
- The Chargers will win the Super Bowl next year

Top 10 reasons to build a new stadium for the Chargers

This has been a hotly debated issue in San Diego... It often comes up for discussion on the Scott & BR show... I thought it would be good to add my perspective and bring fresh topics to the discussion....

Top 10 reasons to build a new stadium for the Chargers

10) We built one for the Padres and they are not even good

9) Michael Aguirre might commit Hari-Kari

8) We could build a section for the Raiders fans with a trap door

7) Scott & BR will get a luxury suite for all the great friends

6) Ryan Leaf will never throw a pass in the new stadium

5) Bill Werndl will volunteer to be a tackling dummy for LT and Brees

4) AJ Smith might crack a smile

3) Stadium will feature a Philip Rivers fan interaction fun zone

2) New stadium will have rotating charger girls stage with a stripper pole

And the number one reason to build the Chargers a new stadium is…

1) Marty might finally get the Chargers players to return her calls

The show went well and was a lot of fun... Although I felt a little rushed. We started a bit late and they might have been coming up on a break, so we didn't have much banter after I did the top 10 list... Hopefully Marty ( the producer) is not to upset with me, and also hope she agrees to do the top 15 reasons to sleep with zino next week, lol...
Anyway here is the show, take a listen....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Top 10 reasons Hillary Clinton refuses to quit

This week I tackled an issue of national importance on the Scott & BR show... Why does Hillary refuses to quit the race? I think with these top 10 reasons, we really got to the bottom of the issue...
Top 10 reasons Hillary refuses to quit the race

10) If she stops campaigning, she would have to return home to Bill...
9) Her favorite fantasy is having sex in the oval office with an intern
8) Bill taught her that a Clinton never admits to defeat…Or to anything else for that matter
7) She has a blue dress that she thinks Vice President Obama will really like….
6) She needs to have the secret service presidential detail to keep track of Bill’s whereabouts
5) John McCain is still paying her to stay in the race
4) Monica promised her a cigar if she made it to the white house
3) She wants to retrieve some of the whitewater documents she left behind in the white house basement
2) Bill told her the presidential gig is a great way to meet chicks

And the number one reason Hillary refuses to quit is…

1) As long as she keeps running, the snipers won’t get her

Bonus: One of my favorite reasons was cancelled for being a bit to risque for the show, but I can share it with you here... The other one I just didn't have room for.
- She never got a chance to blow anyone in the oval office
- Why should Ralph Nader be the only one to prevent a democratic candidate from becoming president

Big thanks to Shultzy, MF, VE, and JG... They all have made great contributions to the list either by editing, contributing, or just being a sounding board. Take a listen to how it all came out on the show.

Friday, May 16, 2008

This week on Scott & BR: Top 10 reasons Hillary refuses to quit the race

Listen to it live this Wednesday (5/21/08) on the Scott & BR show on xx1090 am.... I usually come on the air around 6:40 am. Here is a preview...

10) If she stops campaigning, she would have to return home to Bill...

Top 10 reasons to attend SDSU

This list was inspired by the huge drug bust at SDSU. It was still in the news when I went on the air with it on the Scott & BR show. SDSU received a lot of bad press and I thought it only fair to point out some of the positives about attending SDSU....

10) Win or lose, there is always a strong buzz in the air at Aztec games
9) Its an easy school, even Marty graduated from SDSU
8) No need to bring your own coke when going to a frat party
7) If you graduate, you could end up managing a ML baseball team and get a cool nickname like “Bud”
6) Penn State is known as linebacker U, Sand Diego State is known as line snorter U
5) Pink Floyd is still the most popular rock band on campus
4) SDSU students prefer natural grass for all their activities
3) You can get an advanced degree in agriculture and a minor in fire arms
2) Many on campus fraternities offer pharmaceutical sales opportunities that can pay your full tuition

And the number one reason to attend SDSU…

#1 rated import/export study program with Mexico, Columbia, Afghanistan, and Thailand

Bonus (not heard on the radio):
-You will get to smoke a peace pipe with the Aztec warrior
-Plenty of good seats available at all Aztecs football games

This second time around wasn't as smooth, I wasn't awake yet and not quite in sync with the sound effects. It was still a lot of fun though and I was on there for close to 15 minutes. Scott & BR asked a lot of questions, which led to some very funny moments. Take a listen...

Top 10 reasons the Padres stink

This was my first top 10... The Padres are so bad, the list wrote it self... I had enough for at least two lists... I probably will have to do an encore... Like "top 10 reasons the Padres stink Part deux". We'll see where they are at in a few weeks...
Anyway here is the original list:

10 - Beer is too expensive, so fans can't get drunk enough to heckle the other team
9 - Players are listening to Sandy Alderson and are trying to get on base without swinging the bat
8 - Kouzmanof thinks the crowd is booing him when they chant "Koooz"
7 - 3rd base coach Hoffman is jealous of his brother and is calling the wrong signs to make us lose
6 - Hells Bells CD has a scratch on it
5 - Josh Bard threw out a couple of runners and now considers himself a defensive catcher
4 - Petco has bad Feng Shwai and its messing up Tadahito Iguchi's swing
3 - Edmunds thought he was coming to San Diego to retire and enjoy the warm weather
2- Too much pressure from the immense talent in the minor league system.

And the number one reason the Padres stink..

1 - John Moores is divorcing his wife and is trying to reduce the value of the padres

Take a listen to the radio show. It all went very smooth and I think Scott & BR liked the name zino even more then the list.. My part starts about 2:20 min into the show...