About Zino's top 10

It all started with the Padres and their losing ways... They inspired me to write a list of reasons why they stunk. I was laughing out loud writing it, yes I know I laugh at my own jokes, and thought it might be fun to share the list with others.
I love the Scott & BR show on XX1090 am, my kids and I listen to it every morning on the way to school, and so I thought the two of them reading it on their show would really be fun. I sent the list to Scott and Marty (morning show producer), and was surprised to quickly get a positive response from Scott. There was one catch though, he wanted me to do it on the air...
I can have a fairly thick accent, particularly early in the morning, but Scott really wanted me to do it, and so I did. It was apparently well received, although I think they liked the name zino more then the top 10 list, and so they wanted me to do it again and so I did...
I sent the 2nd radio bit to a few friends and they all wanted me to keep sending it to them. I created this blog to share the lists with them and all the Scott & BR fans.
Please jump in and comment, on the lists or anything you care about, I enjoy the feedback...


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Top 10 ways to increase attendance at Petco

I haven't updated the blog for a while... But you haven't missed much. In addition to being preempted by Jim Lampley two weeks ago, imagine that zino being preempted by Jim lampley, lol, I took a week of last week... The Padres remain an endless source of material for me, so for this week I decided to do the "Top 10 ways to increase attendance at Petco". Here is the list....

10) Give our catchers a slingshot to throw out runners

9) Hooters restaurant inside Petco

8) Offer a gallon a gas with every hot dog purchase

7) Borrow the Chargers cheerleaders to lead the 7th inning stretch

6) Have Marty streak naked through the stadium

5) Add a $1/ball dunk tank with Sandy Alderson on the hot chair

4) Field an all Gonzales lineup

3) Resign Brocail, Blum, and Cameron

2) Padres players need to stop catching the ball with their faces

And the number one way to increase attendance at Petco is…

1) Let the fans vote who should get the owner’s box, Becky or John

Alternate: Free beer every time we steel a base
Alternate: Let a real baseball team like the Angels play at Petco

I ended up replacing number (2) with the second alternate. The show went very well and there was a lot of banter with Scott & BR. This is still a lot of fun, so I plan on doing it again next week. Again, any blog reader, please jump in with suggestions for top 10 lists... Take a listen to the show.

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